Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing

Truly, learning yoga breathing techniques can help you hone mental focus more than any other therapeutic technique I teach.

Which is why I want you to join my course: “Abiding in Breath: a 28-Day Guide to Yogic Breathing” because we all need a little more focus in our lives.

May 1- May 29, 2024. 


I’ll guide you through the steps of learning yogic breathing techniques with:

➡️ a daily text

➡️ easy to follow instructions

➡️ guided audio files

➡️ recorded Yoga Therapeutics Classes

➡️ unlimited support and access to resources

 to help you begin a daily breathing practice that benefits you in mind, body and spirit.

Enrollment Details:

✨Work at your own pace; content is available up to 60 days after your last text

✨Enrollment Closes April 30, 2024 at 1 pm CST and includes 1 Free Month of My At-Home Yoga Therapeutics Subscription

Program Runs: May 1- May 29, 2024

Lisa Ash Drackert

Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist


Stretch & Strengthen Shoulders


Find Mental Focus this Spring